Mapping system rates highly
Most Walking Access Mapping System users would recommend the system to others, a recent user survey has found.
The survey was conducted by the New Zealand Walking Access Commission in February and March of this year, receiving 316 responses.
According to preliminary findings, 97 per cent of respondents said they would recommend the system to others, up from 89 per cent in 2011. The survey found that 97 per cent of users found the information provided by the mapping system useful, and 89 per cent said it was easy to use.
The survey also asked users about their satisfaction with the mapping system's functionality. Satisfaction with its navigation (86 per cent) and stability (84 per cent) was highest, while satisfaction with the system's speed of loading (67 per cent) and printing function (54 per cent) scored lowest.
Commission Chief Executive Mark Neeson said the Commission would work to improve the system's functionality and ease of use as part of the enhancements due later this year.