Corporate documents
These documents form part of Herenga ā Nuku's corporate strategy.

Carbon emissions reduction plan 2023
Published September 2023
Our total emissions for the 2022-2023 financial year were 71.47 tCO2e. We plan to reduce our emissions by 21 % by 2025 and by 42 % by 2030.

Kia Toipoto - gender and ethnicity pay gap action plan, April 2023
Published April 2023
Closing gender, Māori, Pacific and other ethnic groups’ gaps and growing the diversity of the workforce

Strategic Narrative 2021-2025
Published October 2021
Trails connect us to this land of ancestors, to te taiao, and our unique natural world, to our stories and our heritage, to active lifestyles, health and wellbeing, and to each other.

Walking Access Strategy 2017-2022
Published January 2018
This document gives an overview of the past, present and future state of public access in New Zealand, and the role and priorities of the Commission for the years 2017 - 2022.

The New Zealand Walking Access Commission National Strategy 2010-2035
Published November 2010
A key function of the Commission under the Walking Access Act 2008 is to provide leadership by preparing and administering a national strategy on walking access, including Walkways.

Walking Access - organisational structure, legislation and funding (cabinet paper)
Published December 2007
The Government confirmed the decisions that it made in principle on 15 August 2007 for the establishment and functions of a new Crown entity for walking access.