Issue reports
Documents that cover some of the big issues we work with, including the regional strategies that we have initiated.

Franklin North Waikato Tracks and Trails Strategy 2020
Published May 2020
Shades of Green Ltd developed this long-term strategic vision and direction for the tracks and trails network in the Franklin-North Waikato region.

Report on the Findings of the Review of the Walking Access Act 2008
Published September 2019
The review considers the need for the Act, its operation and effectiveness, and whether any amendments are necessary or desirable.

Connecting Franklin-North Waikato Stakeholder Report
Published August 2019
The report calls for a network of off-road tracks and trails connecting the North Waikato towns of Pokeno, Pukekohe, and Tuakau.

Taranaki Tracks and Trails 2040 Strategy
Published June 2018
The Taranaki Strategy outlines a potential network of pathways, biodiversity trails, tourist trails, cycle trails, coastal trails and historic trails.

South Island High Country Access Report
Published March 2018
The New Zealand Walking Access Commission has produced a draft report for consultation on public access to the outdoors in and around the South Island High Country.

Access Me Concept Assessment
Published July 2017
A digital platform where people can request access to a farm and landholders can respond, without having to share personal information, make or answer phone calls.

Outdoor walking access: analysis of written submissions, March 2007
Published March 2007
The Walking Access Consultation Panel received almost 1400 submissions in response to its consultation document. This summary provides an overview of submitters' opinions, not a critique of submissions.

Outdoor walking access: report to the Minister of Rural Affairs, March 2007
Published March 2007
The Walking Access Consultation Panel's recommendations for how New Zealanders' access to rivers, lakes, the coastline and other public lands can be improved and managed over the coming years.

Outdoor walking access: summary of issues
Published April 2006
In this document, we summarise the aim, principles, issues and suggested solutions for walking access to and around lakes, rivers and the coast.

Outdoor walking access: consultation document
Published April 2006
An aim and principles for walking access to and along rivers, lakes and the coast in New Zealand. We summarise the issues, suggest solutions and ask questions about the issues and solutions.