A library of research that informs the work we do, as well as work we have supported through the Aspinall Scholarship.

The interventions that improve walkability in rural towns
Published May 2023
Pero Garlick's Aspinall Scholarship research looked at ways to improve walkability in rural towns.

The built environment and its impacts on the walkability for children within primary school catchment areas
Published January 2021
This Aspinall Scholarship research by Anh Tang, University of Auckland, focuses on the catchment areas of primary schools in Auckland.

Discovering the hindrance of walking and cycling in Auckland’s urban form
Published January 2021
Meyer Neeson's Aspinall Scholarship research looks at how the 1950s planning regimes which focused on private cars, dominated Auckland’s transport development.

Unlocking the Potential of Tactical Urbanism for Active Transport Promotion in Auckland
Published February 2020
Declan Weir's research, sponsored through the Commission's Aspinall Scholarship, looking at methods of enabling active transport in the Auckland urban environment.

Greenways, property developers and the use of incentives
Published October 2018
Holly Stevens’ research highlights incentives to encourage Auckland’s property developers to allow public access through their land for greenway development.

Summary of High Court Decision on Pastoral Leases
Published May 2009
The High Court has ruled that South Island high country farmers can control public access to the land that they lease from the Crown.

Roads, water margins and riverbeds: the law on public access
Published August 2008
This book examines the law on public access in New Zealand. It was written by former Registrar-General of Land Brian Hayes.

Roading law as it applies to unformed legal roads — the sequel
Published October 2007
The main purpose of this report is to provide an illustration of the method and the depth of research underpinning Roading Law as it Applies to Unformed Roads.

Roading law as it applies to unformed legal roads
Published March 2007
This commentary explains the nature of the "Queen's highway", what the free right of passage is, the special character of roads along rivers, lakes and the sea, as well as some historical perspective.

Elements of the law on movable water boundaries
Published March 2007
This commentary highlights unsatisfactory elements in our waterside law that detract from a stable legal environment.