Mt Kaukau

Statements of Intent

Statements of Intent (SOIs) sets out how we, as a Crown entity, intend to create increasing value for New Zealanders over the medium to long term. They provide our Board with a mechanism for publicly setting out our strategic objectives and how we will achieve these.

The purpose of an SOI is to promote public accountability by: 

  • enabling the Crown to participate in the process of setting our strategic intentions and medium-term undertakings
  • setting out for the House of Representatives those intentions and undertakings
  • providing a base against which our actual performance can later be assessed.

 Te Kawa Mataaho background and guidance on planning and reporting

Statement of Intent 2024-28 cover page

Statement of Intent 2024-2028

Published July 2024

Read online Download PDF (761 KB)

SOI 2021 2025

Statement of Intent 2021-2025

Published July 2021

Read online Download PDF (364 KB)

2018 2022 NZWAC SOI

Statement of Intent 2018-2022

Published July 2018

Download PDF (1.1 MB)

SOI2014 cover image for web

Statement of Intent 2014-2018

Published July 2014

Download PDF (866 KB)

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