Mataihuka Walkway
Photo by Asher Wilson-Goldman

Statements of Performance Expectations

A statement of performance expectations shows how we will measure our progress against our Statement of Intent. We develop a Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE) annually.

Our SPEs support accountability, transparency, and good performance. They enable the responsible Minister to participate in setting the annual performance expectations, enable Parliament to be informed of those expectations, and provide a base against which performance can be assessed.

Te Kawa Mataaho background and guidance on planning and reporting


Statement of Performance Expectations 2024-25 cover page

Statement of Performance Expectations 2024-2025

Published July 2024

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SPE 2023 2024 CoverHero

Statement of Performance Expectations 2023-2024

Published July 2023

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SPE 2022 2023

Statement of Performance Expectations 2022-2023

Published July 2022

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2021 2022 SPE

Statement of Performance Expectations 2021-2022

Published July 2021

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SPE 2020 2021

Statement of Performance Expectations 2020-2021

Published July 2020

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SPE 20192020

Statement of Performance Expectations 2019-2020

Published June 2019

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Walking Access SPE 2018 web

Statement of Performance Expectations 2018-2019

Published June 2018

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2017 SPE PRINT 1

Statement of Performance Expectations 2017-2018

Published July 2017

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2016 06 30 Cover of SPE 2016 2020 v2

Statement of Performance Expectations 2016-2020

Published June 2016

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Walking access commission small logotype

Statement of Performance Expectations 2015-2019

Published June 2015

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