Mangawhai to Pākiri

  • Walking
29.5 km
Journey Time
7-8 hours each way
Part of Collections
Te Araroa - New Zealand's TrailTe Araroa - North Island
Track maintained by
Te Araroa Trail Trust

Te Araroa section: Te Araroa's Auckland region begins at Mangawhai Heads, a popular holiday and surf destination accessible by road. From there, it is a long, scenic, beach walk to another holiday settlement of Pākiri 

From Mangawhai Heads carpark, follow the road to the walkway by 44 Wintle Street, which leads down to the estuary. Follow the estuary past a camping ground, a boat ramp and holiday baches until wooden steps lead up to the Findlay Street walkway. From Findlay Street, head left into Molesworth Drive. Immediately after crossing the estuary, the trail leaves Molesworth Drive to follow the Back Bay Boardwalk for 1km, bypassing a busy road to enjoy the coastal wetlands on a path built by local volunteers. [Update July 2023:  The boardwalk was severely damaged by flooding in early 2023.  It may be closed]. The route returns to Molesworth Drive to continue until reaching Mangawhai Village. Then a right into Moir Street, left into Insley Street and across the estuary, then left into Black Swamp Road. Follow this road until reaching Pacific Road, which leads you through a forestry block to the beach and the next stage of Te Araroa.

Once on the beach, just 1km south a stream cuts across the beach and it can go over thigh height, as can other water crossings on this track. Follow the coast southwards for another 2km, then take the track over Te Ārai Point. Track markings near Te Arai Point may be difficult to follow.  Take extra care.

Once back on the beach, continue south for 12km (fording Poutawa Stream on the way).  As you walk this beach, south of Poutawa Stream it is essential to stay below the mean high tide line to respect private property rights in this area which extend to the mean high-water mark.  As you approach the Pākiri River, continue down the ocean side of the beach and cross the river at its mouth.  This should be done within 90 minutes either side of low tide to ensure it's safe and possible.  Check the tide chart here.  NOTE: Do not turn inland before crossing the river.  The spit is fenced off for the protection of Tara-iti nesting sites.  After crossing, turn inland and loop back toward the holiday park.  Cross the small tidal steam and follow the short track along the holiday park fence line that will lead you up to Pākiri River Road.


This section of coastline is home to two of only four nesting sites for Tara-iti (NZ Fairy Tern). With just 40 adults in the wild and 9 breeding pairs, they are likely New Zealand's most endangered indigenous breeding bird.  Nesting in a small scrape in the sand, these delicate sea birds are very vulnerable. Nest sites are roped off and signs erected to alert people to the area.  If you see these sites, please keep clear and give them space.  The constantly changing shape of the river mouth has eroded part of last season's preferred nesting area so the birds may be looking for a new site.  Please respect any local signage or fencing and keep clear.

Department of Conservation staff and volunteers are on site during the breeding season raising awareness with people who use the beach.

To learn more about the efforts of DOC and their partners to protect Tara-iti, check out the links below:

The NZ Fairy Tern Charitable Trust

DOC - Tara-iti


No dogs allowed

Lower tide best: check best times for walking on Mangawhai Spit

Warning; when heavy rain & high tide coincide these rivers can be deep - never cross flooded rivers.

*Please take care all the way down the beach and avoid entering taped/marked nesting sites of tara-iti, particularly if needing to venture upstream to cross. Where possible, avoid the sand-dune area completely.

How to get here

Northern Start: Beach carpark, Wintle Street, Mangawhai Heads
Southern End: Beach access, Pakiri Beach


Unfortunately, long haul bus services pass by 19kms away at Kaiwaka so getting to Mangawhai would necessitate a pre-arranged pick up by a willing accommodation provider - see local transport below.

Local transport 

Leabourn Shuttles P: 09 423 7416 - E: 


Mangawhai Heads

Mangawhai Village

  • Tudor Oaks Motel - 47 Moir St, Mangawhai - P: 09 431 5393 or 027 493 1901 - E: 
  • Riverside Holiday Park - 41 Black Swamp Rd - P: 09 431 4825 - E: - tent sites, caravans, units, kitchen, laundry, wifi and TV/games room.
  • Mangawhai Camping - We have a basic cottage and tenting with water, electricity and toilet in our small orchard at the Mangawhai village close to Shops and food. Koha of $10pp appreciated. Call first please on Oh too one, 796 496. Your hosts - Mark and Kerry     
  • Mangawhai Travellers Rest — 4 Insley St, Mangawhai Village (opp SuperValue) — P: 09 431 5389, 021 023 77242 (Alan/Lisa) — E: — $20 per person inside, $15 per person camping, and a private room for two for $50 — Includes free wifi, recharging, shower and toilet.

Te Arai Point

Car parking, toilets and picnic areas.

No tenting allowed. There is a small SCC campground (up to 10 SCC campervans) for SCC campervans only, pre-booking through the Auckland Council is required. 


  • Pākiri Beach Holiday Park - 261 Pakiri River Rd, Pākiri P: 09 422 6199  E:  Reception & Shop hours 9 am – 5:00 pm. Limited numbers of camp sites available for TA walkers at a reduced rate of $20.00 per person per night with a maximum of 6 people. Tents must be within the site markers. Shared cabins subject to availability $30 per night per person.  Summer booking are very high, so we highly recommend booking in advance. The Christmas and New Year period is heavily booked and we may not be able to accommodate everyone.  We have a communal kitchen with fridges and microwaves, and bathrooms, and laundry facilities available). Showers are 50c for 4 minutes and laundry is $2 per load
  • Pākiri Paradise on the Ridge - 505 Rodney Road, Pakiri, phone 021 066 2108, - airbnb - Guest Room. Accepting campers and charging $10.00 pp for site and water.  This is south of Pakiri, up the hill near km 476, 200m off trail.

Food And Supply

Mangawhai Heads

  • 4 Four Square - 3 Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads - P: 09 431 4656
  • Mangawhai Deli - Shop 2, 7 Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads - P: 09 431 5887

Mangawhai Village

  • Supervalue - Moir Street, Mangawhai Village - P: 09 431 4585 Hours: Monday to Sunday: 7:00am – 7:00pm
  • New World supermarket -  83 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai. Hours: Monday to Sunday: 7:00am – 9:00pm

Track Elevation and Map

More information

General information

Carter’s Mangawhai Information Centre - Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai Heads (entrance Mangawhai Golf Club) - P: 09 431 5090 - E:

Before starting Te Araroa either as a through-walker of the whole country or a section walker, please register on Te Araroa website. Please also visit the website or download the app for detailed maps, trail alerts and other relevant information.  

This track is part of the Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa track database. Herenga ā Nuku has maps and advice about public access to the outdoors.

We encourage you to continue gaining the skills and knowledge required for a safe trip. The NZ Mountain Safety Council has lots of free resources and information you can use. These can be accessed via

We recommend trying these online learning tools:

Additionally, check out the range of helpful videos available from the NZ Mountain Safety Council YouTube channel.

Mountain Safety Council Plan My Trip
Page last updated: 18/08/2024, 7:02 am