planting along track winter 2021 1

Join the community

Herenga ā Nuku facilitates a nationwide network of groups and trusts that make and maintain trails. The network meets via video conferencing 4 times per year. People discuss issues that they have in common, tautoko each other and offer advice.

Herenga ā Nuku’s team of regional field advisors and national office staff also support the informal network. They share their knowledge and work. They also develop resources that groups can use to help them build or maintain trails.

If your group wants to join the network or learn more, contact our partnership advisor at or follow the link below.

Join our national network of trail-building groups

Upcoming hui dates for 2025

All meetings are on Thursdays from 12-1pm

  • 15 May
  • 28 August
  • 20 November

Join the trailmakers map

Latest newsletters

Each track-building group is different — you may wish to talk with your Regional Field Advisor, so you get up-to-date advice and knowledge.