Taranaki reflected in Pouakai Tarn

Key projects

The overarching narrative can be used to direct a number of program frameworks, which can also draw on existing resources, sites, places, experiences and people.

Nine projects underpin this strategy. Each provides tangible ways the overarching narrative can be incorporated into a scalable and transformative program for the Taranaki tracks and trails network.

The makeup of the nine different projects allows a range of opportunities to be implemented. Key benefits include:

  • Each project provides different tempos of journeying around the mountain, both in terms of mode of movement and duration
  • Different champions can support each project, bringing in a range of other locals through working groups, so that the projects express a range of voices
  • There is a common focus on aligning current efforts around a shared valuing of the mountain
  • Each project can be supported through different sets of resources including funding mechanisms

Taranaki moves people. The Taranaki Tracks and Trails 2040 Strategy sets out to create a movement of people around the mountain.

Elsewhere in the world trails make historic sites the focus of a pilgrimage. For example, the Camino Way draws people to Santiago de Compostella, in Northern Spain.

Here the promise of being connected to that which deeply belongs here – the mana of Taranaki – invites all people to share in a journey that shapes and changes people.

In this none of the nine projects is dominant. Each works to support the mana of the mountain in ways that enable Taranaki’s presence to draw people to it, not just from the region, nor only Aotearoa, but also from around the world.