Board February 2024

Our Board

Herenga ā Nuku is governed by a Board, with members appointed by the responsible Minister (usually the Minister or Associate Minister for Agriculture).

To communicate with our Board, please contact our corporate team.


Don Cameron

Don Cameron Don Cameron was mayor of Ruapehu District until October 2022 and was a representative on the Local Government New Zealand National Council. He is a keen mountain biker with a wealth of experience in rural and recreation access issues. He is a member of the Animal Ethics committee overseeing all animal trial/projects carried out by DOC and recently helped to set up the Ameku Road Walkway in Raetihi.

Term of appointment: December 2019 to December 2025


Hugh Logan

Dr Hugh Logan Dr Hugh Logan chaired the independent review of the Walking Access Act in 2019. He has also led the Ministry for the Environment, the Department of Conservation, and the NZ Antarctic Programme (now Antarctica NZ). He is a member of Te Ahu Pātiki Trust, which co-manages 500 hectares of publicly accessible land on Banks Peninsula. He is experienced in Māori land issues, Treaty settlements, and hands-on negotiations at a national level, with iwi, hapū, and whanau. He has also been a university lecturer, published author and chairperson of several public committees. Dr Logan holds a Queens Service Medal for his contributions immediately following the Air New Zealand DC-10 disaster on Mt. Erebus.

Term of appointment: 15 September 2023 to 15 September 2026.

Helen Mexted

Helen Mexted Helen Mexted has significant strategic leadership and governance experience in public and private sector organisations such as Te Whatu Ora — Health New Zealand, Toit¹ Te Whenua — Land Information New Zealand, Local Government New Zealand, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Public Trust and Federated Farmers. Helen holds a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Business Studies and is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors.

Term of appointment: August 2018 to August 2027.

Darren Lee Rewi

Darren Rewi Darren Lee Rewi has extensive experience serving both professional and voluntary boards, including as the Te Waipounamu Māori representative on the Victim Support National Board, trustee at the Whakatipu Community Hub Charitable Trust, and the mayoral appointee and chair of the Queenstown Lakes District Council Welcoming Communities Advisory Board. He founded and runs Take Tuia, a cultural engagement consultancy agency in Queenstown. Mr Rewi is the founder and chair of Mana Tahuna, a kaupapa Māori charitable trust in Queenstown, and is the community lead for the Jobs for Nature project to make Lake Hayes swimmable again. He was the Kai Tahu representative on the Teo Marama and Environment Southland Regional Forum board and the outgoing Kai Tahu representative on the DOC Species Recovery Group for the endangered whio.

Term of appointment: 15 September 2023 to 14 September 2026.

Jonathan Young

Jonathan Young Jonathan Young has had extensive experience in governance roles working with community groups. He served as Member of Parliament for the New Plymouth electorate for 12 years. Prior to that he worked in the community sector for twenty years and since leaving Parliament in 2020, has been the Head of Industry and Government engagement for Ara Ake, the national future energy development centre. This brings him into contact with innovative people all over the country who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and improving the environment we live in. Being involved with Herenga a Nuku is a natural extension of his enjoyment of the natural environment. Originally from Taranaki, Jonathan and his wife Maura live in New Plymouth / Ngamotu and enjoy walking and biking.

Term of appointment: 19 August 2024 to 18 August 2027.