Ric Cullinane outdoors

Management team

The senior management team is led by our Chief Executive, Ric Cullinane. It includes Deputy Chief Executive Phil Culling, Communications Manager Stephen Day, National Operations Manager Kirsti Douglas, Strategic Relations Manager Doug Macredie, GIS Manager Matt Grose and Executive Director — Te Araroa Matt Claridge.

Ric Cullinane

Tumuaki | Chief Executive

Ric Cullinane Ric Cullinane is the organisation’s, Chief Executive. Before his appointment, he was Operations Manager for Herenga ā Nuku for eight years. He built the Herenga ā Nuku’s structure and processes from new beginnings into its current organisation. Ric’s career has taken him around the world with the Royal New Zealand Air Force and across our country during his time at Fish & Game NZ. Ric is trusted and respected in the recreational and farming sectors and understands Herenga ā Nuku's role as an honest and independent voice for public access to the outdoors.

Phil Culling

Tumuaki Tuarua | Deputy Chief Executive

Phil Culling Phil Culling is our Deputy Chief Executive and manages our corporate services team. The corporate services team keeps our office running smoothly, dealing with finances, administration, IT systems, and corporate and statutory responsibilities.

Kirsti Douglas

Pouwhakahaere-ā-Motu — Kōkiri | National Operations Manager

Kirsti Douglas has a wealth of institutional knowledge, having worked for Herenga ā Nuku since 2009. Kirsti manages the operations team and the Herenga ā Nuku’s regional field advisors. The operations team develops and implements policy advice, systems and procedures that enhance and extend public access to the outdoors.

Stephen Day

Kaiwhakahaere Whakapā | Communications Manager

Stephen looks after the Herenga ā Nuku communications and partnerships team. The team tells the Herenga ā Nuku stories and ensures people have the information they need about outdoor access. It is also responsible for building strong and enduring relationships with Herenga ā Nuku's partners.

Doug Macredie

Pononga Whakatere | Strategic Relationships Manager

Doug provides strategic relationships insights and tactics for Herenga ā Nuku across all its activities. Foundational to Doug’s role are Te Tiriti partnerships and relationships with manawhenua. These complement Doug’s wider role in improving the work Herenga ā Nuku does.

Matt Grose 

Kaiwhakahaere Mahere Raraunga | GIS Manager

Matt is passionate about the possibilities of GIS and what it can do for an organisation. He knows enough to be dangerous, but his core role is to enable his team to do the magic that creates, maintains and improves our maps and data for the public good. He brings over twenty years of experience in GIS both in NZ and the UK to Herenga ā Nuku.

Matt Claridge 

Tumu Whakahaere — Te Araroa | Executive Director – Te Araroa

Matt Claridge is responsible for Te Araroa, New Zealand’s longest trail that stretches from Cape Reinga to Bluff. Te Araroa comprises dozens of shorter walks linked together to form the journey of a lifetime. Alongside volunteer-based trusts and Herenga ā Nuku staff, Matt works to improve the trail and help connect it with more New Zealanders.