Summary of report recommendations
A list of the recommendations included in this report, organised by key theme (see Key themes), are included in the table below. The table indicates whether recommendations require legislative amendments to the Act, or whether changes can be made within the existing Act. Recommendations have been endorsed by all members of the review panel, except for Recommendation 26 where the review panel holds a different view. This review recommends that the number of Commission board members remain at between five and eight, but the review panel considers section 8 of the Act should be amended so that the board will have five members only. See the review panel’s Foreword for the review panel’s reasoning.
A number of specific, technical changes to the Act have also been identified in this report. Although not dealt with as formal recommendations, these are also included in the table below.
Key theme |
Recommendation |
Legislative change |
Necessity of the Act |
Recommendation 1: That the House of Representatives notes this review finds there is resounding support for the ongoing need for the Walking Access Act 2008, and that the New Zealand Walking Access Commission is performing an important and valued role in the public access system. |
Not required |
Purpose, objective and priorities |
Recommendation 2: That:
Required |
Recommendation 3: That the purpose in section 3 of the Walking Access Act 2008 be amended to capture the benefits of access wider than ‘enjoyment’, including health, social, cultural, and economic benefits. |
Required |
Recommendation 4: That section 11 of the Walking Access Act 2008, which outlines priorities for walking access over private land, be replaced with a requirement for the Commission to set priorities through a strategic planning process. This new process will determine the priorities for the Commission’s work as a whole, over a three to five year period. Input on the suggested priorities would be sought from the relevant Minister before they are finalised and made public in a strategy document. Every three to five years, the priorities would be reconsidered. |
Required |
Challenges and future requirements |
Recommendation 5: That consideration be given to additional resourcing for the Commission to enable it to continue and expand strategic, regionally-focused project work. This work would facilitate coordinated responses to access needs, and could have a particular focus on regions with identified or anticipated tourism pressure. |
Not required |
Recommendation 6: That consideration be given to additional resourcing for the Commission to help alleviate areas under pressure from high visitor numbers, by:
Not required |
Recommendation 7: That the Commission considers equity of access:
Not required |
Recommendation 8: That further investigation is undertaken, working with the Commission and Land Information New Zealand, into whether a relaxation of the survey requirements for public access ways would be feasible, to ensure the needs of all relevant parties are met now and into the future. |
Not required |
Recommendation 9: That consideration be given to additional resourcing for the Commission to increase promotion and distribution of the New Zealand Outdoor Access Code, including making the Code available in a greater range of languages. |
Not required |
Recommendation 10: That cross-government collaboration between the Commission, the Department of Conservation, Tourism New Zealand and territorial authorities be formalised, to focus on developing consistency in content and messaging for visitor behaviour guidance. |
Not required |
Functions of the Commission |
Recommendation 11: That amendments be made to section 10 of the Walking Access Act 2008, to:
Required |
Recommendation 12: That:
Not required |
Recommendation 13: That consideration be given to additional resourcing for the Commission to undertake the below listed functions, and that amendments be made to section 10 of the Walking Access Act 2008 to include:
Required |
Partnerships |
Recommendation 14: That consideration be given to the following options to strengthen the Commission’s ability to be involved in cross-government work relevant to public access:
May be required |
Recommendation 15: That further investigation be undertaken, in consultation with the Commission and territorial authorities, on options for formalising the Commission’s role in processes to stop unformed legal roads, including:
May be required |
Recommendation 16: That amendments be made to the Walking Access Act 2008, to enable the current walkway mechanism under Part 3 of the Act to extend over unformed legal roads, without detracting from the existing legal access rights on unformed legal roads. |
Required |
Recommendation 17: That further investigation be undertaken on options for integrating the responsibilities and functions of the Commission, Te Araroa Trust, and New Zealand Cycle Trail Incorporated, with the Commission taking a leadership and coordination role in the development, promotion and management of outdoor recreational access. |
Not required |
Recommendation 18: That consideration be given to additional resourcing for the Commission to enable it to better utilise volunteer groups, including through the provision of advice, track promotion and marketing, and capacity building support. |
Not required |
Māori interests |
Recommendation 19: That amendments be made to the Walking Access Act 2008 to acknowledge the Māori-Crown relationship under the Treaty of Waitangi and better reflect Māori interests, by including:
Required |
Recommendation 20: That the Commission continue to work with Māori to understand and address barriers to providing public access, including revisiting content in the New Zealand Outdoor Access Code about behaviour on culturally sensitive or significant land. |
Not required |
Recommendation 21: That the Commission work more closely with relevant Māori groups where Treaty settlements include reference to the Walking Access Act 2008, to explore, and where appropriate, establish access opportunities. |
Not required |
Controlling Authorities |
Recommendation 22: That further investigation be undertaken on:
May be required |
Recommendation 23: That further investigation be undertaken on:
Not required |
Governance |
Recommendation 24: That responsibility for administration of the Walking Access Act 2008 remain with the Ministry for Primary Industries. |
Not required |
Recommendation 25: That the Commission remain a Crown entity (Crown agent). |
Not required |
Recommendation 26: That the current range of between five and eight Commission board members indicated in section 8 of the Walking Access Act 2008 be retained. |
Not required |
Recommendation 27: That amendments be made to section 8 of the Walking Access Act 2008 to include a list of core skills, experience and knowledge that the board as a collective would need to encompass. At a minimum, these should include skills, experience and knowledge relevant to outdoor recreation, landowner and rural interests, tikanga Māori, local government, and central government, noting further consultation should be undertaken to determine the appropriate level of Māori representation on the board. |
Required |
Recommendation 28: That:
Not required |
Resourcing |
Recommendation 29: That:
Not required |
Recommendation 30: That further investigation be undertaken, in consultation with the Commission and Land Information New Zealand, on enabling the Commission to recover the costs of its role in Overseas Investment Act processes, including determining the outputs and costs involved. |
Not required |
Specific legislative changes |
Technical change 1: That amendments be made to the provisions relating to walkways in the Walking Access Act 2008, to reflect the legal arrangements of leasehold land under the Land Act 1948, specifically to require walkways to be agreed to by both the leaseholder and the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Technical change 2: That amendments be made to subsection 10(a)(ii) of the Walking Access Act 2008 to remove reference to ‘Sport and Recreation New Zealand’. Technical change 3: That amendments be made to section 19 of the Walking Access Act 2008, to specify that the Commission provides the New Zealand Outdoor Access Code free of charge. Technical change 4: That amendments be made to section 38 of the Walking Access Act 2008 to require controlling authorities to notify the Commission within 48 hours of closing a walkway, and to provide quarterly updates on progress towards re-opening access. Technical change 5: That amendments be made to the Walking Access Act 2008 to remove section 80. Technical change 6: That amendments be made to the Walking Access Act 2008 to remove section 75. |
Required |