Coronet Loop a result of epic collaboration
ACTIVITY: Incorporating cycling access, where appropriate, alongside walking access
Many are calling the new Coronet Loop ‘epic’, and with good reason. Starting in Arrowtown, the 50-km backcountry trail offers spectacular views across the Wakatipu Basin and passes interesting relics of the 1860s goldmining era. It opened on 4 March this year and is already proving popular.
The track is open to walkers but is predominantly a cycling trail, taking 4–8 hours to complete. It requires intermediate skills to tackle the steep, rugged sections and awa crossings.
The trail’s development has been led by Queenstown Trails Trust, Soho Property Ltd, QEII National Trust and Mahu Whenua Open Spaces Covenant. Herenga ā Nuku is a key stakeholder in the project, having been involved since the beginning. We provided an overview and coordination, bringing people together and managing the survey process. The Department of Conservation, Queenstown Lakes District Council and Land Information New Zealand also provided support.
There are several historic huts on the trail, providing points of interest and short-term shelter. Eight Mile Hut will be ready to accommodate overnight stays, at a basic level, within the coming year. The trail is a drawcard for visitors and a good complement to the nearby Mahu Whenua walking tracks, which we also helped to develop.