Online hui bring together track and trail advocates
ACTIVITY: Attending or hosting workshops and meetings with other government agencies, landholders, iwi, hapū and community groups to promote access
In September 2021, we hosted an inaugural online hui for trail-building groups. 14 groups from across the country attended. Our goal was to create a space for volunteer groups who build and maintain tracks, trails and public access amenities to come together from across the motu and share knowledge and support each other.
Since that first meeting, Herenga ā Nuku has hosted 3 more hui, one each quarter. The most recent meeting had 46 people attending, and our database of trail-building groups has grown to over 100. We also established an online library for track-building groups, which includes information, templates, and policies relating to governance, health and safety, risk management, finance, employment, volunteers, protecting archaeological heritage and managing charitable status.